Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK
Dodano: 18.10.2022 r.
fot. Archiwum
RZESZÓW. Przed pasażerami rzeszowskiej komunikacji miejskiej kolejne dni z utrudnieniami. Do piątku włącznie części kursów jest zawieszona - w sumie ponad 50. Powód taki sam jak w poprzednim tygodniu - problemy kadrowe MPK.
Poniżej wykaz zawieszonych kursów w dniach 17 – 21 października 2022 r.
Linia – OA
Kursy z ul. Kasprowicza: 6:40, 7:40, 8:40, 9:37, 10:37, 11:37, 12:37, 14:04, 15:03, 16:18, 17:19.,
Linia – 5
Kursy z ul. Lubelskiej: 4:59, 6:47, 8:58, 10:53, 13:03, 15:28, 17:53,
Kursy z ul. Matysowskiej: 5:51, 7:49, 9:55, 11:50, 14:09, 16:39, 18:56.
Linia – 13
Kursy z ul. Lwowskiej: 5:18, 7:36, 10:03, 12:27, 15:36, 18:27.
Kursy z ul. Wita Stwosza – 6:31, 8:55, 11:18, 14:04, 16:56.
Linia – 18
Kursy z ul. Lubelskiej: 5:17
Kursy z ul. Łukasiewicza – 5:55
Linia – 19
Kursy z ul. Obr. Poczty Gd. – 6:39, 8:15, 9:52, 11:22, 12:52.
Kursy z ul. Miłocińskiej – 14:22, 16:02, 17:34.
Kursy z ul. Łukasiewicza – 7:25, 9:00, 10:28, 12:02, 13:32, 15:09, 16:46, 18:14.
W sobotę i w niedzielę (22 i 23.10) kursy będą wykonywane wg obowiązujących rozkładów jazdy.
FROM `tio_module`
WHERE `publish` = 1
AND `slug` = 'Redirects'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.55 ms
SELECT `from`, `to`, `type`, `short`
FROM `tio_redirects`
WHERE `publish` = 1
AND `from` = '/aktualnosci/rzeszow/do-konca-tygodnia-zawieszona-czesc-kursow-autobusow-mpk.html'
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `lang_code`, `slug`
FROM `tio_language`
WHERE `slug` = ''
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `id`, `name`, `short_name`, `slug`, `lang_code`, `default`, `primary`
FROM `tio_language`
WHERE `publish` = 1
ORDERBY `default` DESC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.07 ms
SELECT `s`.`name`, `s`.`value`, `sl`.`value` as `value2`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
LEFTJOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
`sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
OR `sl`.`id_lang` ISNULL
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '50'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '38'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '6'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '7'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '50'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '48'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '48'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
FROM `tio_files`
WHERE `id` = '49'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `id_module`, `link`, `slug`
FROM `tio_links`
WHERE `id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `pl`.`name`, `s`.`name` as `slug`, `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_page` `p`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
JOIN `tio_settings` `s` ON `s`.`value`=`p`.`id`
JOIN `tio_links` `l` ON `l`.`id`=`pl`.`id_link`
WHERE `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%special_%%' ESCAPE '!'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `s`.`name`, `sl`.`value`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%url_%%' ESCAPE '!'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
5.34 ms
SELECT `id`, `id_module`, `module_slug`, `link`, `id_lang`, `action`, `slug`
FROM `tio_links`
WHERE `link` = 'aktualnosci/rzeszow/do-konca-tygodnia-zawieszona-czesc-kursow-autobusow-mpk.html'
AND `id_lang` = '1'
AND `redirect` = 0
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.06 ms
SELECT `m`.`slug`, `m`.`separate`
FROM `tio_module` `m`
WHERE `m`.`id` = '2'
AND `m`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
9.68 ms
SELECT `pc`.`id_page`, `tio_news`.`id`, `tio_news`.`id_page_cont`, `tio_news`.`template`, `tio_news`.`date`, `tio_news`.`order`, `tio_news`.`comment`, `nl`.`title`, `nl`.`subtitle`, `nl`.`header`, `nl`.`introduction`, `nl`.`content`, `nl`.`source`, `nl`.`id_link`, `nl`.`author`, `nl`.`tags`, `nl`.`views`, `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_news`
JOIN `tio_news_lang` `nl` ON `tio_news`.`id`=`nl`.`id_news`
JOIN `tio_page_content` `pc` ON `tio_news`.`id_page_cont`=`pc`.`id`
JOIN `tio_links` `l` ON `l`.`id`=`nl`.`id_link`
WHERE `tio_news`.`publish` = 1
AND `nl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nl`.`id_link` = '30960'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.25 ms
SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`type`, `a`.`source`, `a`.`external_id`, `a`.`date_start`, `a`.`date_end`, `a`.`url`, `a`.`hash`, `al`.`name`, `al`.`id_photo`, `al`.`code`, `al`.`id` as `al_id`
FROM `tio_advertisement` `a`
JOIN `tio_advertisement_lang` `al` ON `a`.`id`=`al`.`id_advertisement`
WHERE `a`.`id` = 10
AND `al`.`id_lang` = '1'
`a`.`date_start` <= '2025-01-13'
OR `a`.`date_start` ISNULL
`a`.`date_end` >= '2025-01-13'
OR `a`.`date_end` ISNULL
AND `a`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.38 ms
UPDATE `tio_advertisement_lang` SET `views` = views+1
WHERE `id` = '9'
SELECT `nf`.`path`, `nf`.`mime`, `nfl`.`caption`, `nfl`.`author`, `nf`.`crop_dimension`
FROM `tio_news_files` `nf`
JOIN `tio_news_files_lang` `nfl` ON `nf`.`id`=`nfl`.`id_file`
WHERE `nf`.`id_news` = '8067'
AND `nf`.`field` = 'photo'
AND `nfl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nf`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.57 ms
SELECT `nf`.`path`, `nf`.`mime`, `nfl`.`caption`, `nfl`.`author`
FROM `tio_news_files` `nf`
JOIN `tio_news_files_lang` `nfl` ON `nf`.`id`=`nfl`.`id_file`
WHERE `nf`.`id_news` = '8067'
AND `nf`.`field` = 'photos'
AND `nfl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nf`.`publish` = 1
ORDERBY `nf`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.25 ms
SELECT `nf`.`path`, `nf`.`mime`, `nfl`.`caption`, `nfl`.`author`
FROM `tio_news_files` `nf`
JOIN `tio_news_files_lang` `nfl` ON `nf`.`id`=`nfl`.`id_file`
WHERE `nf`.`id_news` = '8067'
AND `nf`.`field` = 'audio'
AND `nfl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nf`.`publish` = 1
ORDERBY `nf`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.17 ms
SELECT `nf`.`path`, `nf`.`mime`, `nfl`.`caption`, `nfl`.`author`
FROM `tio_news_files` `nf`
JOIN `tio_news_files_lang` `nfl` ON `nf`.`id`=`nfl`.`id_file`
WHERE `nf`.`id_news` = '8067'
AND `nf`.`field` = 'video'
AND `nfl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nf`.`publish` = 1
ORDERBY `nf`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.15 ms
SELECT `t`.`id`, `t`.`tag`
FROM `tio_tags` `t`
WHERE `t`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `t`.`id` IN ('6451','6150','8693','6673')
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.06 ms
SELECT `p`.`re_id`, `pl`.`id_page`, `p`.`template`, `pl`.`name`, `pl`.`header`, `l`.`link`, `f`.`path` as `photo`
FROM `tio_page` `p`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
JOIN `tio_links` `l` ON `l`.`id`=`pl`.`id_link`
LEFTJOIN `tio_files` `f` ON `f`.`id`=`p`.`id_photo`
WHERE `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`id` = '10'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `id`, `re_id`
FROM `tio_page`
WHERE `id` = '9'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.06 ms
SELECT `p`.`id`, `pl`.`name`, `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_page` `p`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
JOIN `tio_links` `l` ON `l`.`id`=`pl`.`id_link`
WHERE `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
AND `p`.`id` IN ('9','10')
ORDERBY FIELD(pl.id_page, 9, 10)
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
2.29 ms
SELECT `nl`.`title`, `nl`.`introduction`, `nl`.`tags`, `nml`.`title` as `meta_title`, `nml`.`description` as `meta_desc`, `nml`.`keywords` as `meta_keys`
FROM `tio_news`
JOIN `tio_news_lang` `nl` ON `tio_news`.`id`=`nl`.`id_news`
LEFTJOIN `tio_news_meta_lang` `nml` ON `tio_news`.`id`=`nml`.`id_news`
WHERE `tio_news`.`id` = '8067'
AND `nl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `nml`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
4.20 ms
SELECT `nf`.`path`, `nf`.`ext`, `nfl`.`caption`
FROM `tio_news_files` `nf`
LEFTJOIN `tio_news_files_lang` `nfl` ON `nf`.`id`=`nfl`.`id_file`
WHERE `nf`.`id_news` = '8067'
AND `nf`.`field` = 'photo'
AND `nfl`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.17 ms
SELECT `nl`.`id_lang`, `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_news_lang` `nl`
JOIN `tio_links` `l` ON `l`.`id`=`nl`.`id_link`
WHERE `id_news` = '8067'
ORDERBY `id_lang` ASC
SELECT `l`.`id`, `l`.`link`, `l`.`module_slug`, `l`.`slug`, `l`.`action`, `m`.`slug` as `module`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
LEFTJOIN `tio_module` `m` ON `l`.`id_module`=`m`.`id`
WHERE `l`.`link` = 'aktualnosci/rzeszow/do-konca-tygodnia-zawieszona-czesc-kursow-autobusow-mpk.html'
AND `l`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.22 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`id_parent`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`id_target`
FROM `tio_news_lang` `nl`
JOIN `tio_menu_item` `mi` ON `mi`.`id_target`=`nl`.`id_news`
WHERE `nl`.`id_link` = '30960'
AND `nl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`type` = 'news'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
3.38 ms
SELECT `pc`.`id_page`
FROM `tio_news` `n`
JOIN `tio_news_lang` `nl` ON `n`.`id`=`nl`.`id_news`
JOIN `tio_page_content` `pc` ON `pc`.`id`=`n`.`id_page_cont`
WHERE `nl`.`id_link` = '30960'
AND `nl`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `id`, `re_id`
FROM `tio_page`
WHERE `id` = '10'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `id`, `re_id`
FROM `tio_page`
WHERE `id` = '9'
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.09 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = 0
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '9'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '8'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '10'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '168'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '11'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '169'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '52'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '248'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '3'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '228'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '23'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '229'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '52'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '166'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '6'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '8'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '216'
ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '10'
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0.05 ms
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0.01 ms
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0.05 ms
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0.05 ms
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.05 ms
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.05 ms
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SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.05 ms
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0.04 ms
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.05 ms
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0.04 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.04 ms
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '13'
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.04 ms
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JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
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0.05 ms
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '167'
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0.05 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '201'
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0.02 ms
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AND `from` = '/aktualnosci/rzeszow/do-konca-tygodnia-zawieszona-czesc-kursow-autobusow-mpk.html'
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WHERE `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%url_%%' ESCAPE '!'
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FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '11'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '52'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '3'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '23'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '52'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '8'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '10'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '7'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '12'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '15'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '13'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '14'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '21'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '30'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '87'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '2'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '3'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '5'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '87'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '7'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '7'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_event_place_type_lang` `eptl` ON `eptl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_event_place_type` `ept` ON `ept`.`id`=`eptl`.`id_type`
WHERE `ept`.`id` = '17'
AND `ept`.`publish` = 1
AND `eptl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `ept`.`publish` = 1
⇄⧉title => UTF-8 string (97) "Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK | Rzeszów | Aktualno...
Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK | Rzeszów | Aktualności | RESinet
⇄⧉description => UTF-8 string (368) "Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK - RZESZÓW. Pr...
Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK - RZESZÓW. Przed pasażerami rzeszowskiej komunikacji miejskiej kolejne dni z utrudnieniami. Do piątku włączRZESZÓW. Przed pasażerami rzeszowskiej komunikacji miejskiej kolejne dni z utrudnieniami. Do piątku włącznie części kursów jest zawieszona. Powód taki sam jak w
⇄⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (138) "Wiadomości aktualności, informacje, Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursó...
Wiadomości aktualności, informacje, Do końca tygodnia zawieszona część kursów autobusów MPK - MPK, ZTM, zawieszone kursy, autobusy
⇄⧉meta_description => UTF-8 string (181) "Najświeższe (aktualne) informacje z Rzeszowa oraz całego województwa podkarp...
Najświeższe (aktualne) informacje z Rzeszowa oraz całego województwa podkarpackiego. Chcesz wiedzieć więcej odwiedzaj stronę Rzeszowskiego Portalu Informacyjnego -
Rzeszów, informacje, aktualności, wiadomości, Podkarpacie, rzeszowski portal informacyjny, w Rzeszowie, co zobaczyć w Rzeszowie, co zwiedzić w Rzeszowie,
⇄⧉title => UTF-8 string (76) "Jakie atrakcje 13 stycznia czekają na gości Podziemnej Trasy Turystycznej?"
Jakie atrakcje 13 stycznia czekają na gości Podziemnej Trasy Turystycznej?
⇄header => string (0) ""
⇄⧉introduction => UTF-8 string (190) "<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W ramach 27. Finału Wielki...
<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W ramach 27. Finału Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy, w Podziemnej Trasie Turystycznej odbędą się dwa ciekawe wydarzenia.</div>
⧉public __construct() Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the propertie...
* Will attempt to get environment variables with names
* that match the properties of the child class.
* The "shortPrefix" is the lowercase-only config class name.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:103
* Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
* @return string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:178
⧉protected registerProperties(): void Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into...
* Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more
* options into a config file.
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:226
⧉public static __set_state(array $array)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:61
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
⧉public __construct() Merge the built-in and developer-configured filters and plugins, with prefere...
* Merge the built-in and developer-configured filters and plugins,
* with preference to the developer ones.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\View
Defined in .../Config/View.php:129
* Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
* @return string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:178
⧉protected registerProperties(): void Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into...
* Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more
* options into a config file.
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:226
⧉public static __set_state(array $array)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:61
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see
* @see
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* Constructor.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:88
⧉public setSurroundCount(?int $count = null): PagerRenderer Sets the total number of links that should appear on either side of the curre...
* Sets the total number of links that should appear on either
* side of the current page. Adjusts the first and last counts
* to reflect it.
* @return PagerRenderer
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:110
⧉public hasPrevious(): bool Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:120
⧉public getPrevious(): string|null Returns a URL to the "previous" page. The previous page is NOT the page befor...
* Returns a URL to the "previous" page. The previous page is NOT the
* page before the current page, but is the page just before the
* "first" page.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:132
⧉public hasNext(): bool Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:158
⧉public getNext(): string|null Returns a URL to the "next" page. The next page is NOT, the page after the cu...
* Returns a URL to the "next" page. The next page is NOT, the
* page after the current page, but is the page that follows the
* "last" page.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:170
⧉public getFirst(): string Returns the URI of the first page.
* Returns the URI of the first page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:196
⧉public getLast(): string Returns the URI of the last page.
* Returns the URI of the last page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:218
⧉public getCurrent(): string Returns the URI of the current page.
* Returns the URI of the current page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:240
⧉public links(): array Returns an array of links that should be displayed. Each link is represented ...
* Returns an array of links that should be displayed. Each link
* is represented by another array containing of the URI the link
* should go to, the title (number) of the link, and a boolean
* value representing whether this link is active or not.
* @return list<array{uri:string, title:int, active:bool}>
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:267
⧉public hasPreviousPage(): bool Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:313
⧉public getPreviousPage(): string|null Returns a URL to the "previous" page.
* Returns a URL to the "previous" page.
* You MUST call hasPreviousPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:325
⧉public hasNextPage(): bool Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:351
⧉public getNextPage(): string|null Returns a URL to the "next" page.
* Returns a URL to the "next" page.
* You MUST call hasNextPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:363
⧉public getFirstPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the first page in the set of links to be displayed.
* Returns the page number of the first page in the set of links to be displayed.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:389
⧉public getCurrentPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the current page.
* Returns the page number of the current page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:397
⧉public getLastPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the last page in the set of links to be displayed.
* Returns the page number of the last page in the set of links to be displayed.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:405
⧉public getPageCount(): int Returns total number of pages.
* Returns total number of pages.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:413
⧉public getPreviousPageNumber(): ?int Returns the previous page number.
* Returns the previous page number.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:421
⧉public getNextPageNumber(): ?int Returns the next page number.
* Returns the next page number.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:429
⧉protected updatePages(?int $count = null): void Updates the first and last pages based on $surroundCount, which is the number...
* Updates the first and last pages based on $surroundCount,
* which is the number of links surrounding the active page
* to show.
* @param int|null $count The new "surroundCount"
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:300
drwxr-xr-x 1004 100 4KB Dec 07 2022 /home/www/resinet/html/vendor/cocur/slugify/src
⧉public initialize(Config\Autoload $config, Config\Modules $modules): $this Reads in the configuration array (described above) and stores the valid parts...
* Reads in the configuration array (described above) and stores
* the valid parts that we'll need.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:103
⧉public register(): void Register the loader with the SPL autoloader stack.
* Register the loader with the SPL autoloader stack.
* @return void
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:163
⧉public unregister(): void Unregister autoloader.
* Unregister autoloader.
* This method is for testing.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:182
⧉public addNamespace($namespace, ?string $path = null): $this Registers namespaces with the autoloader.
* Registers namespaces with the autoloader.
* @param array<string, list<string>|string>|string $namespace
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:195
⧉public getNamespace(?string $prefix = null): array<string, list<string>>|list<string> Get namespaces with prefixes as keys and paths as values.
* Get namespaces with prefixes as keys and paths as values.
* If a prefix param is set, returns only paths to the given prefix.
* @return array<string, list<string>>|list<string>
* @phpstan-return ($prefix is null ? array<string, list<string>> : list<string>)
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:226
⧉public removeNamespace(string $namespace): $this Removes a single namespace from the psr4 settings.
* Removes a single namespace from the psr4 settings.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:240
⧉public loadClassmap(string $class): void Load a class using available class mapping.
* Load a class using available class mapping.
* @internal For `spl_autoload_register` use.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:254
⧉public loadClass(string $class): void Loads the class file for a given class name.
* Loads the class file for a given class name.
* @internal For `spl_autoload_register` use.
* @param string $class The fully qualified class name.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:270
* Check file path.
* Checks special characters that are illegal in filenames on certain
* operating systems and special characters requiring special escaping
* to manipulate at the command line. Replaces spaces and consecutive
* dashes with a single dash. Trim period, dash and underscore from beginning
* and end of filename.
* @return string The sanitized filename
* @deprecated No longer used. See
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:338
⧉public loadHelpers(): void Loads helpers
* Loads helpers
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:485
* Initializes Kint
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:493
⧉protected loadInNamespace(string $class): false|string The mapped file name on success, or boolean false on fail Loads the class file for a given class name.
* Loads the class file for a given class name.
* @param string $class The fully-qualified class name
* @return false|string The mapped file name on success, or boolean false on fail
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:282
⧉protected includeFile(string $file): false|string The filename on success, false if the file is not loaded A central way to include a file. Split out primarily for testing purposes.
* A central way to include a file. Split out primarily for testing purposes.
* @return false|string The filename on success, false if the file is not loaded
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:314
⧉protected discoverComposerNamespaces(): void Locates autoload information from Composer, if available.
* Locates autoload information from Composer, if available.
* @deprecated No longer used.
* @return void
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:451
⧉public locateFile(string $file, ?string $folder = null, string $ext = 'php'): false|string The path to the file, or false if not found. Attempts to locate a file by examining the name for a namespace and looking t...
* Attempts to locate a file by examining the name for a namespace
* and looking through the PSR-4 namespaced files that we know about.
* @param string $file The relative file path or namespaced file to
* locate. If not namespaced, search in the app
* folder.
* @param non-empty-string|null $folder The folder within the namespace that we should
* look for the file. If $file does not contain
* this value, it will be appended to the namespace
* folder.
* @param string $ext The file extension the file should have.
* @return false|string The path to the file, or false if not found.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:51
⧉public getClassname(string $file): string Examines a file and returns the fully qualified class name.
* Examines a file and returns the fully qualified class name.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:122
⧉public search(string $path, string $ext = 'php', bool $prioritizeApp = true): array Searches through all of the defined namespaces looking for a file. Returns an...
* Searches through all of the defined namespaces looking for a file.
* Returns an array of all found locations for the defined file.
* Example:
* $locator->search('Config/Routes.php');
* // Assuming PSR4 namespaces include foo and bar, might return:
* [
* 'app/Modules/foo/Config/Routes.php',
* 'app/Modules/bar/Config/Routes.php',
* ]
* @return list<string>
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:181
⧉public findQualifiedNameFromPath(string $path): false|string The qualified name or false if the path is not found Find the qualified name of a file according to the namespace of the first mat...
* Find the qualified name of a file according to
* the namespace of the first matched namespace path.
* @return false|string The qualified name or false if the path is not found
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:266
⧉public listFiles(string $path): array Scans the defined namespaces, returning a list of all files that are containe...
* Scans the defined namespaces, returning a list of all files
* that are contained within the subpath specified by $path.
* @return list<string> List of file paths
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:311
⧉public listNamespaceFiles(string $prefix, string $path): array Scans the provided namespace, returning a list of all files that are containe...
* Scans the provided namespace, returning a list of all files
* that are contained within the sub path specified by $path.
* @return list<string> List of file paths
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:344
⧉protected ensureExt(string $path, string $ext): string Ensures a extension is at the end of a filename
* Ensures a extension is at the end of a filename
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:214
⧉protected getNamespaces(): array<int, array<string, string>> Return the namespace mappings we know about.
* Return the namespace mappings we know about.
* @return array<int, array<string, string>>
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:232
⧉protected legacyLocate(string $file, ?string $folder = null): false|string The path to the file, or false if not found. Checks the app folder to see if the file can be found. Only for use with file...
* Checks the app folder to see if the file can be found.
* Only for use with filenames that DO NOT include namespacing.
* @param non-empty-string|null $folder
* @return false|string The path to the file, or false if not found.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:380
* Constructor
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php:50
⧉public handle($level, $message): bool Handles logging the message. If the handler returns false, then execution of ...
* Handles logging the message.
* If the handler returns false, then execution of handlers
* will stop. Any handlers that have not run, yet, will not
* be run.
* @param string $level
* @param string $message
* @throws Exception
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php:73
⧉public canHandle(string $level): bool Checks whether the Handler will handle logging items of this log Level.
* Checks whether the Handler will handle logging items of this
* log Level.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\BaseHandler
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php:47
⧉public setDateFormat(string $format): CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\HandlerInterface Stores the date format to use while logging messages.
* Stores the date format to use while logging messages.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\BaseHandler
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php:55
* Constructor.
* @param \Config\Logger $config
* @throws RuntimeException
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:124
⧉public emergency(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void System is unusable.
* System is unusable.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:162
⧉public alert(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Action must be taken immediately.
* Action must be taken immediately.
* Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should
* trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:175
⧉public error(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be l...
* Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically
* be logged and monitored.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:198
⧉public warning(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
* Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
* Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things
* that are not necessarily wrong.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:211
⧉public notice(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Normal but significant events.
* Normal but significant events.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:221
* Detailed debug information.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:243
⧉public log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Logs with an arbitrary level.
* Logs with an arbitrary level.
* @param string $level
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:254
⧉public determineFile(): array Determines the file and line that the logging call was made from by analyzing...
* Determines the file and line that the logging call
* was made from by analyzing the backtrace.
* Find the earliest stack frame that is part of our logging system.
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:374
⧉protected interpolate($message, array $context = array()): string Replaces any placeholders in the message with variables from the context, as ...
* Replaces any placeholders in the message with variables
* from the context, as well as a few special items like:
* {session_vars}
* {post_vars}
* {get_vars}
* {env}
* {env:foo}
* {file}
* {line}
* @param string $message
* @return string
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:318
⧉protected cleanFileNames(string $file): string Cleans the paths of filenames by replacing APPPATH, SYSTEMPATH, FCPATH with t...
* Cleans the paths of filenames by replacing APPPATH, SYSTEMPATH, FCPATH
* with the actual var. i.e.
* /var/www/site/app/Controllers/Home.php
* becomes:
* APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php
* @deprecated Use dedicated `clean_path()` function.
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:424
⧉public render(string $view, ?array $options = null, ?bool $saveData = null): string Builds the output based upon a file name and any data that has already been set.
* Builds the output based upon a file name and any
* data that has already been set.
* Valid $options:
* - cache Number of seconds to cache for
* - cache_name Name to use for cache
* @param string $view File name of the view source
* @param array|null $options Reserved for 3rd-party uses since
* it might be needed to pass additional info
* to other template engines.
* @param bool|null $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying,
* if null, uses the config setting.
Defined in .../View/View.php:176
⧉public renderString(string $view, ?array $options = null, ?bool $saveData = null): string Builds the output based upon a string and any data that has already been set....
* Builds the output based upon a string and any
* data that has already been set.
* Cache does not apply, because there is no "key".
* @param string $view The view contents
* @param array|null $options Reserved for 3rd-party uses since
* it might be needed to pass additional info
* to other template engines.
* @param bool|null $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying,
* if null, uses the config setting.
Defined in .../View/View.php:317
⧉public excerpt(string $string, int $length = 20): string Extract first bit of a long string and add ellipsis
* Extract first bit of a long string and add ellipsis
Defined in .../View/View.php:340
⧉public setData(array $data = array(), ?string $context = null): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Sets several pieces of view data at once.
* Sets several pieces of view data at once.
* @param non-empty-string|null $context The context to escape it for.
* If 'raw', no escaping will happen.
* @phpstan-param null|'html'|'js'|'css'|'url'|'attr'|'raw' $context
Defined in .../View/View.php:352
⧉public setVar(string $name, $value = null, ?string $context = null): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Sets a single piece of view data.
* Sets a single piece of view data.
* @param mixed $value
* @param non-empty-string|null $context The context to escape it for.
* If 'raw', no escaping will happen.
* @phpstan-param null|'html'|'js'|'css'|'url'|'attr'|'raw' $context
Defined in .../View/View.php:372
⧉public resetData(): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Removes all of the view data from the system.
* Removes all of the view data from the system.
Defined in .../View/View.php:387
⧉public getData(): array Returns the current data that will be displayed in the view.
* Returns the current data that will be displayed in the view.
Defined in .../View/View.php:397
⧉public extend(string $layout): void Specifies that the current view should extend an existing layout.
* Specifies that the current view should extend an existing layout.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:407
⧉public section(string $name): void Starts holds content for a section within the layout.
* Starts holds content for a section within the layout.
* @param string $name Section name
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:419
⧉public endSection(): void Captures the last section
* Captures the last section
* @return void
* @throws RuntimeException
Defined in .../View/View.php:435
* Renders a section's contents.
* @param bool $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:461
⧉public include(string $view, ?array $options = null, $saveData = true): string Used within layout views to include additional views.
* Used within layout views to include additional views.
* @param bool $saveData
Defined in .../View/View.php:482
⧉public getPerformanceData(): array Returns the performance data that might have been collected during the execut...
* Returns the performance data that might have been collected
* during the execution. Used primarily in the Debug Toolbar.
Defined in .../View/View.php:491
⧉protected decorateOutput(string $html): string Runs the generated output through any declared view decorators.
* Runs the generated output through any declared
* view decorators.
Defined in .../View/ViewDecoratorTrait.php:25
⧉protected logPerformance(float $start, float $end, string $view): void Logs performance data for rendering a view.
* Logs performance data for rendering a view.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:501
* Creates simple Next/Previous links, instead of full pagination.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:93
⇄⧉public makeLinks(int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, string $template = 'default_full', int $segment0, ?string $group = 'default'): string Allows for a simple, manual, form of pagination where all of the data is prov...
$value->makeLinks(int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, string $template = 'default_full', int $segment0, ?string $group = 'default')
* Allows for a simple, manual, form of pagination where all of the data
* is provided by the user. The URL is the current URI.
* @param string $template The output template alias to render.
* @param int $segment (whether page number is provided by URI segment)
* @param string|null $group optional group (i.e. if we'd like to define custom path)
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:108
⇄⧉public store(string $group, int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, int $segment0): $this Stores a set of pagination data for later display. Most commonly used by the ...
$value->store(string $group, int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, int $segment0)
* Stores a set of pagination data for later display. Most commonly used
* by the model to automate the process.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:139
⇄⧉public setSegment(int $number, string $group = 'default'): $this Sets segment for a group.
* Sets the path that an aliased group of links will use.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:183
⇄⧉public getTotal(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the total number of items in data store.
$value->getTotal(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the total number of items in data store.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:195
⇄⧉public getPageCount(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the total number of pages.
$value->getPageCount(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the total number of pages.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:205
⇄⧉public getCurrentPage(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the number of the current page of results.
$value->getCurrentPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the number of the current page of results.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:215
⇄⧉public hasMore(string $group = 'default'): bool Tells whether this group of results has any more pages of results.
$value->hasMore(string $group = 'default')
* Tells whether this group of results has any more pages of results.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:225
⇄⧉public getLastPage(string $group = 'default'): int|null Returns the last page, if we have a total that we can calculate with.
$value->getLastPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the last page, if we have a total that we can calculate with.
* @return int|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:237
⇄⧉public getFirstPage(string $group = 'default'): int Determines the first page # that should be shown.
$value->getFirstPage(string $group = 'default')
* Determines the first page # that should be shown.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:251
⇄⧉public getPageURI(?int $page = null, string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false): string|URI Returns the URI for a specific page for the specified group.
* Returns the full URI to the next page of results, or null.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:307
⇄⧉public getPreviousPageURI(string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false): string|null Returns the full URL to the previous page of results, or null.
* Returns the full URL to the previous page of results, or null.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:331
⇄⧉public getPerPage(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the number of results per page that should be shown.
$value->getPerPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the number of results per page that should be shown.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:353
⇄⧉public getDetails(string $group = 'default'): array Returns an array with details about the results, including total, per_page, c...
$value->getDetails(string $group = 'default')
* Returns an array with details about the results, including
* total, per_page, current_page, last_page, next_url, prev_url, from, to.
* Does not include the actual data. This data is suitable for adding
* a 'data' object to with the result set and converting to JSON.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:366
⇄⧉public only(array $queries): self Sets only allowed queries on pagination links.
$value->only(array $queries)
* Sets only allowed queries on pagination links.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:384
⧉protected displayLinks(string $group, string $template): string Does the actual work of displaying the view file. Used internally by links(),...
* Does the actual work of displaying the view file. Used internally
* by links(), simpleLinks(), and makeLinks().
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:121
⧉protected ensureGroup(string $group, ?int $perPage = null): void Ensures that an array exists for the group specified.
* Ensures that an array exists for the group specified.
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:396
⧉protected calculateCurrentPage(string $group): void Calculating the current page
* Calculating the current page
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:424
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (226) "RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B1 - pod górnymi newsami + wiadom...
RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B1 - pod górnymi newsami + wiadomości (w tym poszczególne newsy) - pod Nowe na portalu + inwestycje pod Nowe na portalu + w Rzeszowie w danej atrakcji pod Wiadomości z Rzeszowa
18 stycznia 2025 r. w Galerii pod Ratuszem odbędzie się wernisaż wystawy zatytułowanej „Sztuka Wykluczonych”, na którą składają się prace artystów chorujących na schizofrenię. W otwarciu ekspozycji wezmą udział sami artyści oraz członkowie Fundacji Artsider – organizatora wystawy.
PODKARPACIE. Karpatka wydrążyła już ponad 400 metrów tunelu na odcinku drogi ekspresowej S19 Rzeszów Południe – Babica. Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad opublikowała filmik z wnętrza powstającej budowli.
Po 30 latach od premiery, na ekrany kin wraca kultowy film “Nienawiść” Mathieu Kassovitza w odrestaurowanej kopii 4K. Obraz będzie można obejrzeć w trzech rzeszowskich kinach.
RZESZÓW. We wtorek, 21 stycznia o godz. 18:00 w Filharmonii Podkarpackiej odbędzie się gala z okazji 671-lecia Lokacji Miasta Rzeszowa. Jak zapowiadają organizatorzy, podczas wydarzenia wykorzystana zostanie sztuczna inteligencja. Uroczystość będzie transmitowana w internecie.
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (229) "ADSENSE 2944434599 - Na stronie głównej, w po prawej stronie, pod ankietą + ...
ADSENSE 2944434599 - Na stronie głównej, w po prawej stronie, pod ankietą + w każdym newsie w dziale Wiadomości, w dziale Newsów Na Smakach, w dziale newsów z Rozrywki po prawej stronie, pod sekcją Dzieje się w Rzeszowie
7 stycznia 2025 odbyło się uroczyste otwarcie stacjonarnego punktu Viking Point w stolicy Podkarpacia. Lokal znajduje się przy ul. Podwisłocze, na parterze jednego z budynków Capital Towers.
PODKARPACIE. Karpatka wydrążyła już ponad 400 metrów tunelu na odcinku drogi ekspresowej S19 Rzeszów Południe – Babica. Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad opublikowała filmik z wnętrza powstającej budowli.
18 stycznia 2025 r. w Galerii pod Ratuszem odbędzie się wernisaż wystawy zatytułowanej „Sztuka Wykluczonych”, na którą składają się prace artystów chorujących na schizofrenię. W otwarciu ekspozycji wezmą udział sami artyści oraz członkowie Fundacji Artsider – organizatora wystawy.
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (158) "RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B2 - pod kalendarzem imprez w sek...
RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B2 - pod kalendarzem imprez w sekcji Rozrywka i Kultura + Wiadomości i news w sidebarze pod Najchętniej czytane
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