RZESZÓW. Przy ul. Jagiellońskiej w Rzeszowie powstało nowe, wielofunkcyjne boisko sportowe. Obiekt o wartości 417 tys. zł powstał w ramach Rzeszowskiego Budżetu Obywatelskiego.
Nowe boisko, z poliuretanową nawierzchnią, zostało wybudowane w sąsiedztwie budynków mieszkalnych o nr 23,25,27,29,31 w miejscu starego, asfaltowego. Ma wymiary 15 na 25 metrów.
Obiekt wyposażono w dwie bramki do piłki nożnej, dwa kosze do koszykówki oraz zestaw do siatkówki, a także w piłkochwyty. Przy boisku powstała trybuna dla kilkudziesięciu osób.
W tym roku miasto planuje realizacje kolejnych inwestycji sportowych na terenie Rzeszowa. Na osiedlu Biała powstanie ogród kieszonkowy, którego częścią będzie nowe boisko do piłki nożnej. Przy ul. Stadionowej na os. Przybyszówka kontynuowana będzie budowa boiska. Również w tym roku ma rozpocząć się rozbudowa stadionu Grunwald Budziwój.
FROM `tio_module`
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`sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
OR `sl`.`id_lang` ISNULL
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SELECT `name`, `basename`, `path`, `mime`, `ext`
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AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%special_%%' ESCAPE '!'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%url_%%' ESCAPE '!'
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AND `redirect` = 0
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AND `nl`.`id_link` = '31774'
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0.17 ms
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AND `p`.`id` IN ('9','10')
ORDERBY FIELD(pl.id_page, 9, 10)
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AND `nml`.`id_lang` = '1'
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3.25 ms
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AND `l`.`id_lang` = '1'
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '6'
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ORDERBY `mi`.`order` ASC
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0.01 ms
0.03 ms
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '222'
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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0.04 ms
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Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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0.01 ms
0.03 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.03 ms
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
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0.04 ms
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.04 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.03 ms
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0.04 ms
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.01 ms
0.03 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.03 ms
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AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.01 ms
0.03 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
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0.04 ms
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0.04 ms
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.03 ms
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
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0.04 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.04 ms
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AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.04 ms
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
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0.04 ms
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WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '13'
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0.01 ms
0.03 ms
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
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JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
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0.03 ms
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0.04 ms
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JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '167'
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0.04 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
FROM `tio_menu_item` `mi`
JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '201'
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `l`.`link`
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AND `eptl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `ept`.`publish` = 1
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0.01 ms
0.04 ms
SELECT `mi`.`id`, `mi`.`target`, `mi`.`id_target`, `mi`.`type`, `mil`.`name`, `mil`.`url`, `mil`.`title`, `mi`.`id_photo`, `mi`.`id_parent_active`, `mi`.`svg`
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JOIN `tio_menu_item_lang` `mil` ON `mi`.`id`=`mil`.`id_menu_item`
WHERE `mil`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `mi`.`id_menu` = 2
AND `mi`.`id_parent` = '203'
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0.04 ms
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AND `from` = '/aktualnosci/rzeszow/w-centrum-rzeszowa-powstalo-nowe-boisko.html'
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WHERE `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `s`.`name` LIKE '%url_%%' ESCAPE '!'
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SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '3'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '23'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '52'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '8'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '10'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '7'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '12'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '15'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '13'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '14'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '21'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '30'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '87'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '2'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '3'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '5'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '6'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `sl`.`value`, `sl`.`id_lang`
FROM `tio_settings` `s`
JOIN `tio_settings_lang` `sl` ON `s`.`id`=`sl`.`id_settings`
WHERE `s`.`name` = 'url_calendar'
AND `sl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `etl`.`id_lang`, `etl`.`name`, `etl`.`slug` as `url`
FROM `tio_event_type` `et`
JOIN `tio_event_type_lang` `etl` ON `et`.`id`=`etl`.`id_type`
WHERE `et`.`id` = '87'
AND `et`.`publish` = 1
AND `etl`.`id_lang` = '1'
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '7'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '7'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_event_place_type_lang` `eptl` ON `eptl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_event_place_type` `ept` ON `ept`.`id`=`eptl`.`id_type`
WHERE `ept`.`id` = '17'
AND `ept`.`publish` = 1
AND `eptl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `ept`.`publish` = 1
SELECT `l`.`link`
FROM `tio_links` `l`
JOIN `tio_page_lang` `pl` ON `pl`.`id_link`=`l`.`id`
JOIN `tio_page` `p` ON `p`.`id`=`pl`.`id_page`
WHERE `p`.`id` = '22'
AND `pl`.`id_lang` = '1'
AND `p`.`publish` = 1
⇄title => UTF-8 string (76) "W centrum Rzeszowa powstało nowe boisko | Rzeszów | Aktualności | RESinet"
⇄⧉description => UTF-8 string (370) "W centrum Rzeszowa powstało nowe boisko - RZESZÓW. Przy ul. Jagielloń...
W centrum Rzeszowa powstało nowe boisko - RZESZÓW. Przy ul. Jagiellońskiej w Rzeszowie powstało nowe, wielofunkcyjne boisko sportowe. Obiekt o wartości 417 tys. zł powsRZESZÓW. Przy ul. Jagiellońskiej w Rzeszowie powstało nowe, wielofunkcyjne boisko sportowe. Obiekt o wartości 417 tys. zł powstał w ramach Rzeszowskiego Budżetu Obywatelskiego.
⇄⧉keywords => UTF-8 string (107) "Wiadomości aktualności, informacje, W centrum Rzeszowa powstało nowe boisko ...
Wiadomości aktualności, informacje, W centrum Rzeszowa powstało nowe boisko - boisko, Jagiellońska, RBO
⇄⧉meta_description => UTF-8 string (181) "Najświeższe (aktualne) informacje z Rzeszowa oraz całego województwa podkarp...
Najświeższe (aktualne) informacje z Rzeszowa oraz całego województwa podkarpackiego. Chcesz wiedzieć więcej odwiedzaj stronę Rzeszowskiego Portalu Informacyjnego - RESinet.pl
Rzeszów, informacje, aktualności, wiadomości, Podkarpacie, rzeszowski portal informacyjny, w Rzeszowie, co zobaczyć w Rzeszowie, co zwiedzić w Rzeszowie,
⇄title => UTF-8 string (57) "Asseco Resovia rozegrała towarzyskie spotkanie dla WOŚP"
⇄header => string (0) ""
⇄⧉introduction => UTF-8 string (163) "<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W trakcie spotkania odbywa...
<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W trakcie spotkania odbywała się zbiórka pieniędzy dla Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy.</div>
⇄⧉title => UTF-8 string (83) "Dofinansowania dla niepełnosprawnych. Wystarczy zgłosić się do PCPR w Rzeszo...
Dofinansowania dla niepełnosprawnych. Wystarczy zgłosić się do PCPR w Rzeszowie
⇄header => string (0) ""
⇄⧉introduction => UTF-8 string (184) "<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W ramach programu „A...
<div style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. W ramach programu „Aktywny Samorząd” można ubiegać się o dofinansowanie w ramach dwóch modułów.</div>
<span style="text-align: justify;">RZESZÓW. Program</span><span style="text-align: justify;"> pn. „School of Leaders” (SoL), ma wyłonić najzdolniejszych i najbardziej aktywnych studentów i wspierać ich w procesie rozwoju.</span>
⧉public __construct() Will attempt to get environment variables with names that match the propertie...
* Will attempt to get environment variables with names
* that match the properties of the child class.
* The "shortPrefix" is the lowercase-only config class name.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:103
* Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
* @return string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:178
⧉protected registerProperties(): void Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into...
* Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more
* options into a config file.
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:226
⧉public static __set_state(array $array)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:61
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-17/#26-urifactoryinterface
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-17/#26-urifactoryinterface
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
⧉public __construct() Merge the built-in and developer-configured filters and plugins, with prefere...
* Merge the built-in and developer-configured filters and plugins,
* with preference to the developer ones.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\View
Defined in .../Config/View.php:129
* Retrieve an environment-specific configuration setting
* @return string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:178
⧉protected registerProperties(): void Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more options into...
* Provides external libraries a simple way to register one or more
* options into a config file.
* @return void
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:226
⧉public static __set_state(array $array)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig
Defined in .../Config/BaseConfig.php:61
* Constructor.
* @param string|null $uri The URI to parse.
* @throws HTTPException
* @TODO null for param $uri should be removed.
* See https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-17/#26-urifactoryinterface
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:256
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null): URI Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* Sets and overwrites any current URI information.
* @return URI
* @throws HTTPException
* @deprecated 4.4.0 This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:302
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
* Warning: For backwards-compatability this method
* assumes URIs with the same host as baseURL should
* be relative to the project's configuration.
* This aspect of __toString() is deprecated and should be avoided.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:628
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the path portion of the URI.
* Sets the path portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPath($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:816
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void Sets the current baseURL.
* Sets the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:834
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the current baseURL.
* Returns the current baseURL.
* @interal
* @deprecated Use SiteURI instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:846
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:862
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url call.
* @return void
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1036
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
⧉private changeSchemeAndPath(string $scheme, string $path): array Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL shou...
* Change the path (and scheme) assuming URIs with the same host as baseURL
* should be relative to the project's configuration.
* @deprecated This method will be deleted.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:651
⇄⧉public static createURIString(?string $scheme = null, ?string $authority = null, ?string $path = null, ?string $query = null, ?string $fragment = null): string Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* @param string $relativePath URI path relative to baseURL. May include
* queries or fragments.
* @param string|null $host Optional current hostname.
* @param string|null $scheme Optional scheme. 'http' or 'https'.
* @phpstan-param 'http'|'https'|null $scheme
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:94
⧉public setBaseURL(string $baseURL): void
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:226
⧉public setURI(?string $uri = null)
* @deprecated
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:234
⧉public getBaseURL(): string Returns the baseURL.
* Returns the baseURL.
* @interal
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:244
⧉public getRoutePath(): string Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* Returns the URI path relative to baseURL.
* @return string The Route path.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:254
⧉public __toString(): string Formats the URI as a string.
* Formats the URI as a string.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:262
⧉public setPath(string $path): $this Sets the route path (and segments).
* Sets the route path (and segments).
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:278
⧉public refreshPath(): $this Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* Sets the path portion of the URI based on segments.
* @return $this
* @deprecated This method will be private.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:318
* For base_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:379
* For site_url() helper.
* @param array|string $relativePath URI string or array of URI segments.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp. If empty
* string '' is set, a protocol-relative
* link is returned.
* @param App|null $config Alternate configuration to use.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:419
⧉public setSilent(bool $silent = true): URI If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will attempt to contin...
* If $silent == true, then will not throw exceptions and will
* attempt to continue gracefully.
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:271
⧉public useRawQueryString(bool $raw = true): URI If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method instead of native parse_str(...
* If $raw == true, then will use parseStr() method
* instead of native parse_str() function.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:286
⧉public getScheme(): string Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* Retrieve the scheme component of the URI.
* If no scheme is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.1.
* The trailing ":" character is not part of the scheme and MUST NOT be
* added.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
* @return string The URI scheme.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:336
⧉public getAuthority(bool $ignorePort = false): string Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* Retrieve the authority component of the URI.
* If no authority information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* The authority syntax of the URI is:
* <pre>
* [user-info@]host[:port]
* </pre>
* If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current
* scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2
* @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:360
⧉public getUserInfo(): string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* Retrieve the user information component of the URI.
* If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty
* string.
* If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value;
* additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the
* user value, with a colon (":") separating the values.
* NOTE that be default, the password, if available, will NOT be shown
* as a security measure as discussed in RFC 3986, Section 7.5. If you know
* the password is not a security issue, you can force it to be shown
* with $this->showPassword();
* The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST
* NOT be added.
* @return string|null The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:403
⧉public showPassword(bool $val = true): URI Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will reset itself af...
* Temporarily sets the URI to show a password in userInfo. Will
* reset itself after the first call to authority().
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:422
⧉public getHost(): string Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* Retrieve the host component of the URI.
* If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string.
* The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986
* Section 3.2.2.
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2
* @return string The URI host.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:441
⧉public getPort(): int|null The URI port. Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* Retrieve the port component of the URI.
* If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme,
* this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port
* used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null.
* If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return
* a null value.
* If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return
* the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null.
* @return int|null The URI port.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:461
⧉public getPath(): string Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* Retrieve the path component of the URI.
* The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or
* rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all
* three syntaxes.
* Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as
* defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically
* do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g.
* the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task
* of the user to handle both "" and "/".
* The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode
* any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to
* RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3.
* As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as
* delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded
* form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3
* @return string The URI path.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:492
⧉public getQuery(array $options = array()): string Retrieve the query string
* Retrieve the query string
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:500
⧉public getFragment(): string Retrieve a URI fragment
* Retrieve a URI fragment
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:534
⧉public getSegments(): array Returns the segments of the path as an array.
* Returns the segments of the path as an array.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:542
⧉public getSegment(int $number, string $default = ''): string Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to get only e...
* Returns the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to get only existing segments or the next one.
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param string $default Default value
* @return string The value of the segment. If you specify the last +1
* segment, the $default value. If you specify the last +2
* or more throws HTTPException.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:558
⧉public setSegment(int $number, $value): $this Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path. Allows to set only exist...
* Set the value of a specific segment of the URI path.
* Allows to set only existing segments or add new one.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int $number Segment number starting at 1
* @param int|string $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:586
⧉public getTotalSegments(): int Returns the total number of segments.
* Returns the total number of segments.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:615
⧉public setAuthority(string $str): $this Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Parses the given string and saves the appropriate authority pieces.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:685
⧉public setScheme(string $str): $this Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Sets the scheme for this URI.
* Because of the large number of valid schemes we cannot limit this
* to only http or https.
* @see https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
* @return $this
* @deprecated 4.4.0 Use `withScheme()` instead.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:715
⧉public withScheme(string $scheme): static A new instance with the specified scheme. Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* Return an instance with the specified scheme.
* This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return
* an instance that contains the specified scheme.
* Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case
* insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required.
* An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme.
* @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance.
* @return static A new instance with the specified scheme.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:740
⧉public setUserInfo(string $user, string $pass): $this Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* Sets the userInfo/Authority portion of the URI.
* @param string $user The user's username
* @param string $pass The user's password
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:761
⧉public setHost(string $str): $this Sets the host name to use.
* Sets the host name to use.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withHost($host)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:776
⧉public setPort(?int $port = null): $this Sets the port portion of the URI.
* Sets the port portion of the URI.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withPort($port)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:790
⧉public setQuery(string $query): $this Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting to clean the various part...
* Sets the query portion of the URI, while attempting
* to clean the various parts of the query keys and values.
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withQuery($query)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:881
⧉public setQueryArray(array $query): URI A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query portion of the...
* A convenience method to pass an array of items in as the Query
* portion of the URI.
* @return URI
* @TODO: PSR-7: Should be `withQueryParams(array $query)`
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:913
⧉public addQuery(string $key, $value = null): $this Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Adds a single new element to the query vars.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param int|string|null $value
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:929
⧉public stripQuery($params): $this Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Removes one or more query vars from the URI.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:945
⧉public keepQuery($params): $this Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in are kept. The res...
* Filters the query variables so that only the keys passed in
* are kept. The rest are removed from the object.
* Note: Method not in PSR-7
* @param string ...$params
* @return $this
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:964
⧉public setFragment(string $string): $this Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* Sets the fragment portion of the URI.
* @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5
* @return $this
* @TODO PSR-7: Should be `withFragment($fragment)`.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:990
⧉public resolveRelativeURI(string $uri): URI Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in RFC 3986 ...
* Combines one URI string with this one based on the rules set out in
* RFC 3986 Section 2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2
* @return URI
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1087
⧉protected applyParts(array $parts): void Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
* Saves our parts from a parse_url() call.
Defined in .../HTTP/SiteURI.php:335
⧉protected filterPath(?string $path = null): string Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments. While dot segment...
* Encodes any dangerous characters, and removes dot segments.
* While dot segments have valid uses according to the spec,
* this URI class does not allow them.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1002
⧉protected mergePaths(self $base, self $reference): string Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986, Sectio...
* Given 2 paths, will merge them according to rules set out in RFC 2986,
* Section 5.2
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1143
⧉protected parseStr(string $query): array This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function. This version allow...
* This is equivalent to the native PHP parse_str() function.
* This version allows the dot to be used as a key of the query string.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:1165
* Builds a representation of the string from the component parts.
* @param string|null $scheme URI scheme. E.g., http, ftp
* @return string URI string with only passed parts. Maybe incomplete as a URI.
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:161
⇄⧉public static removeDotSegments(string $path): string Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and remove singl...
* Used when resolving and merging paths to correctly interpret and
* remove single and double dot segments from the path per
* RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4
* @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4
* @internal
Defined in .../HTTP/URI.php:203
* Constructor.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:88
⧉public setSurroundCount(?int $count = null): PagerRenderer Sets the total number of links that should appear on either side of the curre...
* Sets the total number of links that should appear on either
* side of the current page. Adjusts the first and last counts
* to reflect it.
* @return PagerRenderer
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:110
⧉public hasPrevious(): bool Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:120
⧉public getPrevious(): string|null Returns a URL to the "previous" page. The previous page is NOT the page befor...
* Returns a URL to the "previous" page. The previous page is NOT the
* page before the current page, but is the page just before the
* "first" page.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:132
⧉public hasNext(): bool Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:158
⧉public getNext(): string|null Returns a URL to the "next" page. The next page is NOT, the page after the cu...
* Returns a URL to the "next" page. The next page is NOT, the
* page after the current page, but is the page that follows the
* "last" page.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:170
⧉public getFirst(): string Returns the URI of the first page.
* Returns the URI of the first page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:196
⧉public getLast(): string Returns the URI of the last page.
* Returns the URI of the last page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:218
⧉public getCurrent(): string Returns the URI of the current page.
* Returns the URI of the current page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:240
⧉public links(): array Returns an array of links that should be displayed. Each link is represented ...
* Returns an array of links that should be displayed. Each link
* is represented by another array containing of the URI the link
* should go to, the title (number) of the link, and a boolean
* value representing whether this link is active or not.
* @return list<array{uri:string, title:int, active:bool}>
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:267
⧉public hasPreviousPage(): bool Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "previous" page before our "first" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:313
⧉public getPreviousPage(): string|null Returns a URL to the "previous" page.
* Returns a URL to the "previous" page.
* You MUST call hasPreviousPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:325
⧉public hasNextPage(): bool Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
* Checks to see if there is a "next" page after our "last" page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:351
⧉public getNextPage(): string|null Returns a URL to the "next" page.
* Returns a URL to the "next" page.
* You MUST call hasNextPage() first, or this value may be invalid.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:363
⧉public getFirstPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the first page in the set of links to be displayed.
* Returns the page number of the first page in the set of links to be displayed.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:389
⧉public getCurrentPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the current page.
* Returns the page number of the current page.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:397
⧉public getLastPageNumber(): int Returns the page number of the last page in the set of links to be displayed.
* Returns the page number of the last page in the set of links to be displayed.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:405
⧉public getPageCount(): int Returns total number of pages.
* Returns total number of pages.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:413
⧉public getPreviousPageNumber(): ?int Returns the previous page number.
* Returns the previous page number.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:421
⧉public getNextPageNumber(): ?int Returns the next page number.
* Returns the next page number.
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:429
⧉protected updatePages(?int $count = null): void Updates the first and last pages based on $surroundCount, which is the number...
* Updates the first and last pages based on $surroundCount,
* which is the number of links surrounding the active page
* to show.
* @param int|null $count The new "surroundCount"
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/PagerRenderer.php:300
drwxr-xr-x 1004 100 4KB Dec 07 2022 /home/www/resinet/html/vendor/cocur/slugify/src
⧉public initialize(Config\Autoload $config, Config\Modules $modules): $this Reads in the configuration array (described above) and stores the valid parts...
* Reads in the configuration array (described above) and stores
* the valid parts that we'll need.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:103
⧉public register(): void Register the loader with the SPL autoloader stack.
* Register the loader with the SPL autoloader stack.
* @return void
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:163
⧉public unregister(): void Unregister autoloader.
* Unregister autoloader.
* This method is for testing.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:182
⧉public addNamespace($namespace, ?string $path = null): $this Registers namespaces with the autoloader.
* Registers namespaces with the autoloader.
* @param array<string, list<string>|string>|string $namespace
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:195
⧉public getNamespace(?string $prefix = null): array<string, list<string>>|list<string> Get namespaces with prefixes as keys and paths as values.
* Get namespaces with prefixes as keys and paths as values.
* If a prefix param is set, returns only paths to the given prefix.
* @return array<string, list<string>>|list<string>
* @phpstan-return ($prefix is null ? array<string, list<string>> : list<string>)
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:226
⧉public removeNamespace(string $namespace): $this Removes a single namespace from the psr4 settings.
* Removes a single namespace from the psr4 settings.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:240
⧉public loadClassmap(string $class): void Load a class using available class mapping.
* Load a class using available class mapping.
* @internal For `spl_autoload_register` use.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:254
⧉public loadClass(string $class): void Loads the class file for a given class name.
* Loads the class file for a given class name.
* @internal For `spl_autoload_register` use.
* @param string $class The fully qualified class name.
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:270
* Check file path.
* Checks special characters that are illegal in filenames on certain
* operating systems and special characters requiring special escaping
* to manipulate at the command line. Replaces spaces and consecutive
* dashes with a single dash. Trim period, dash and underscore from beginning
* and end of filename.
* @return string The sanitized filename
* @deprecated No longer used. See https://github.com/codeigniter4/CodeIgniter4/issues/7055
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:338
⧉public loadHelpers(): void Loads helpers
* Loads helpers
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:485
* Initializes Kint
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:493
⧉protected loadInNamespace(string $class): false|string The mapped file name on success, or boolean false on fail Loads the class file for a given class name.
* Loads the class file for a given class name.
* @param string $class The fully-qualified class name
* @return false|string The mapped file name on success, or boolean false on fail
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:282
⧉protected includeFile(string $file): false|string The filename on success, false if the file is not loaded A central way to include a file. Split out primarily for testing purposes.
* A central way to include a file. Split out primarily for testing purposes.
* @return false|string The filename on success, false if the file is not loaded
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:314
⧉protected discoverComposerNamespaces(): void Locates autoload information from Composer, if available.
* Locates autoload information from Composer, if available.
* @deprecated No longer used.
* @return void
Defined in .../Autoloader/Autoloader.php:451
⧉public locateFile(string $file, ?string $folder = null, string $ext = 'php'): false|string The path to the file, or false if not found. Attempts to locate a file by examining the name for a namespace and looking t...
* Attempts to locate a file by examining the name for a namespace
* and looking through the PSR-4 namespaced files that we know about.
* @param string $file The relative file path or namespaced file to
* locate. If not namespaced, search in the app
* folder.
* @param non-empty-string|null $folder The folder within the namespace that we should
* look for the file. If $file does not contain
* this value, it will be appended to the namespace
* folder.
* @param string $ext The file extension the file should have.
* @return false|string The path to the file, or false if not found.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:51
⧉public getClassname(string $file): string Examines a file and returns the fully qualified class name.
* Examines a file and returns the fully qualified class name.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:122
⧉public search(string $path, string $ext = 'php', bool $prioritizeApp = true): array Searches through all of the defined namespaces looking for a file. Returns an...
* Searches through all of the defined namespaces looking for a file.
* Returns an array of all found locations for the defined file.
* Example:
* $locator->search('Config/Routes.php');
* // Assuming PSR4 namespaces include foo and bar, might return:
* [
* 'app/Modules/foo/Config/Routes.php',
* 'app/Modules/bar/Config/Routes.php',
* ]
* @return list<string>
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:181
⧉public findQualifiedNameFromPath(string $path): false|string The qualified name or false if the path is not found Find the qualified name of a file according to the namespace of the first mat...
* Find the qualified name of a file according to
* the namespace of the first matched namespace path.
* @return false|string The qualified name or false if the path is not found
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:266
⧉public listFiles(string $path): array Scans the defined namespaces, returning a list of all files that are containe...
* Scans the defined namespaces, returning a list of all files
* that are contained within the subpath specified by $path.
* @return list<string> List of file paths
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:311
⧉public listNamespaceFiles(string $prefix, string $path): array Scans the provided namespace, returning a list of all files that are containe...
* Scans the provided namespace, returning a list of all files
* that are contained within the sub path specified by $path.
* @return list<string> List of file paths
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:344
⧉protected ensureExt(string $path, string $ext): string Ensures a extension is at the end of a filename
* Ensures a extension is at the end of a filename
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:214
⧉protected getNamespaces(): array<int, array<string, string>> Return the namespace mappings we know about.
* Return the namespace mappings we know about.
* @return array<int, array<string, string>>
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:232
⧉protected legacyLocate(string $file, ?string $folder = null): false|string The path to the file, or false if not found. Checks the app folder to see if the file can be found. Only for use with file...
* Checks the app folder to see if the file can be found.
* Only for use with filenames that DO NOT include namespacing.
* @param non-empty-string|null $folder
* @return false|string The path to the file, or false if not found.
Defined in .../Autoloader/FileLocator.php:380
* Constructor
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php:50
⧉public handle($level, $message): bool Handles logging the message. If the handler returns false, then execution of ...
* Handles logging the message.
* If the handler returns false, then execution of handlers
* will stop. Any handlers that have not run, yet, will not
* be run.
* @param string $level
* @param string $message
* @throws Exception
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php:73
⧉public canHandle(string $level): bool Checks whether the Handler will handle logging items of this log Level.
* Checks whether the Handler will handle logging items of this
* log Level.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\BaseHandler
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php:47
⧉public setDateFormat(string $format): CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\HandlerInterface Stores the date format to use while logging messages.
* Stores the date format to use while logging messages.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\BaseHandler
Defined in .../Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php:55
* Constructor.
* @param \Config\Logger $config
* @throws RuntimeException
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:124
⧉public emergency(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void System is unusable.
* System is unusable.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:162
⧉public alert(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Action must be taken immediately.
* Action must be taken immediately.
* Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should
* trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:175
⧉public error(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be l...
* Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically
* be logged and monitored.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:198
⧉public warning(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
* Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
* Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things
* that are not necessarily wrong.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:211
⧉public notice(Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Normal but significant events.
* Normal but significant events.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:221
* Detailed debug information.
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:243
⧉public log($level, Stringable|string $message, array $context = array()): void Logs with an arbitrary level.
* Logs with an arbitrary level.
* @param string $level
* @param string $message
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:254
⧉public determineFile(): array Determines the file and line that the logging call was made from by analyzing...
* Determines the file and line that the logging call
* was made from by analyzing the backtrace.
* Find the earliest stack frame that is part of our logging system.
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:374
⧉protected interpolate($message, array $context = array()): string Replaces any placeholders in the message with variables from the context, as ...
* Replaces any placeholders in the message with variables
* from the context, as well as a few special items like:
* {session_vars}
* {post_vars}
* {get_vars}
* {env}
* {env:foo}
* {file}
* {line}
* @param string $message
* @return string
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:318
⧉protected cleanFileNames(string $file): string Cleans the paths of filenames by replacing APPPATH, SYSTEMPATH, FCPATH with t...
* Cleans the paths of filenames by replacing APPPATH, SYSTEMPATH, FCPATH
* with the actual var. i.e.
* /var/www/site/app/Controllers/Home.php
* becomes:
* APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php
* @deprecated Use dedicated `clean_path()` function.
Defined in .../Log/Logger.php:424
⧉public render(string $view, ?array $options = null, ?bool $saveData = null): string Builds the output based upon a file name and any data that has already been set.
* Builds the output based upon a file name and any
* data that has already been set.
* Valid $options:
* - cache Number of seconds to cache for
* - cache_name Name to use for cache
* @param string $view File name of the view source
* @param array|null $options Reserved for 3rd-party uses since
* it might be needed to pass additional info
* to other template engines.
* @param bool|null $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying,
* if null, uses the config setting.
Defined in .../View/View.php:176
⧉public renderString(string $view, ?array $options = null, ?bool $saveData = null): string Builds the output based upon a string and any data that has already been set....
* Builds the output based upon a string and any
* data that has already been set.
* Cache does not apply, because there is no "key".
* @param string $view The view contents
* @param array|null $options Reserved for 3rd-party uses since
* it might be needed to pass additional info
* to other template engines.
* @param bool|null $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying,
* if null, uses the config setting.
Defined in .../View/View.php:317
⧉public excerpt(string $string, int $length = 20): string Extract first bit of a long string and add ellipsis
* Extract first bit of a long string and add ellipsis
Defined in .../View/View.php:340
⧉public setData(array $data = array(), ?string $context = null): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Sets several pieces of view data at once.
* Sets several pieces of view data at once.
* @param non-empty-string|null $context The context to escape it for.
* If 'raw', no escaping will happen.
* @phpstan-param null|'html'|'js'|'css'|'url'|'attr'|'raw' $context
Defined in .../View/View.php:352
⧉public setVar(string $name, $value = null, ?string $context = null): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Sets a single piece of view data.
* Sets a single piece of view data.
* @param mixed $value
* @param non-empty-string|null $context The context to escape it for.
* If 'raw', no escaping will happen.
* @phpstan-param null|'html'|'js'|'css'|'url'|'attr'|'raw' $context
Defined in .../View/View.php:372
⧉public resetData(): CodeIgniter\View\RendererInterface Removes all of the view data from the system.
* Removes all of the view data from the system.
Defined in .../View/View.php:387
⧉public getData(): array Returns the current data that will be displayed in the view.
* Returns the current data that will be displayed in the view.
Defined in .../View/View.php:397
⧉public extend(string $layout): void Specifies that the current view should extend an existing layout.
* Specifies that the current view should extend an existing layout.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:407
⧉public section(string $name): void Starts holds content for a section within the layout.
* Starts holds content for a section within the layout.
* @param string $name Section name
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:419
⧉public endSection(): void Captures the last section
* Captures the last section
* @return void
* @throws RuntimeException
Defined in .../View/View.php:435
* Renders a section's contents.
* @param bool $saveData If true, saves data for subsequent calls,
* if false, cleans the data after displaying.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:461
⧉public include(string $view, ?array $options = null, $saveData = true): string Used within layout views to include additional views.
* Used within layout views to include additional views.
* @param bool $saveData
Defined in .../View/View.php:482
⧉public getPerformanceData(): array Returns the performance data that might have been collected during the execut...
* Returns the performance data that might have been collected
* during the execution. Used primarily in the Debug Toolbar.
Defined in .../View/View.php:491
⧉protected decorateOutput(string $html): string Runs the generated output through any declared view decorators.
* Runs the generated output through any declared
* view decorators.
Defined in .../View/ViewDecoratorTrait.php:25
⧉protected logPerformance(float $start, float $end, string $view): void Logs performance data for rendering a view.
* Logs performance data for rendering a view.
* @return void
Defined in .../View/View.php:501
* Creates simple Next/Previous links, instead of full pagination.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:93
⇄⧉public makeLinks(int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, string $template = 'default_full', int $segment0, ?string $group = 'default'): string Allows for a simple, manual, form of pagination where all of the data is prov...
$value->makeLinks(int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, string $template = 'default_full', int $segment0, ?string $group = 'default')
* Allows for a simple, manual, form of pagination where all of the data
* is provided by the user. The URL is the current URI.
* @param string $template The output template alias to render.
* @param int $segment (whether page number is provided by URI segment)
* @param string|null $group optional group (i.e. if we'd like to define custom path)
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:108
⇄⧉public store(string $group, int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, int $segment0): $this Stores a set of pagination data for later display. Most commonly used by the ...
$value->store(string $group, int $page, ?int $perPage, int $total, int $segment0)
* Stores a set of pagination data for later display. Most commonly used
* by the model to automate the process.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:139
⇄⧉public setSegment(int $number, string $group = 'default'): $this Sets segment for a group.
* Sets the path that an aliased group of links will use.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:183
⇄⧉public getTotal(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the total number of items in data store.
$value->getTotal(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the total number of items in data store.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:195
⇄⧉public getPageCount(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the total number of pages.
$value->getPageCount(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the total number of pages.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:205
⇄⧉public getCurrentPage(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the number of the current page of results.
$value->getCurrentPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the number of the current page of results.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:215
⇄⧉public hasMore(string $group = 'default'): bool Tells whether this group of results has any more pages of results.
$value->hasMore(string $group = 'default')
* Tells whether this group of results has any more pages of results.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:225
⇄⧉public getLastPage(string $group = 'default'): int|null Returns the last page, if we have a total that we can calculate with.
$value->getLastPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the last page, if we have a total that we can calculate with.
* @return int|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:237
⇄⧉public getFirstPage(string $group = 'default'): int Determines the first page # that should be shown.
$value->getFirstPage(string $group = 'default')
* Determines the first page # that should be shown.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:251
⇄⧉public getPageURI(?int $page = null, string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false): string|URI Returns the URI for a specific page for the specified group.
* Returns the full URI to the next page of results, or null.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:307
⇄⧉public getPreviousPageURI(string $group = 'default', bool $returnObject = false): string|null Returns the full URL to the previous page of results, or null.
* Returns the full URL to the previous page of results, or null.
* @return string|null
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:331
⇄⧉public getPerPage(string $group = 'default'): int Returns the number of results per page that should be shown.
$value->getPerPage(string $group = 'default')
* Returns the number of results per page that should be shown.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:353
⇄⧉public getDetails(string $group = 'default'): array Returns an array with details about the results, including total, per_page, c...
$value->getDetails(string $group = 'default')
* Returns an array with details about the results, including
* total, per_page, current_page, last_page, next_url, prev_url, from, to.
* Does not include the actual data. This data is suitable for adding
* a 'data' object to with the result set and converting to JSON.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:366
⇄⧉public only(array $queries): self Sets only allowed queries on pagination links.
$value->only(array $queries)
* Sets only allowed queries on pagination links.
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:384
⧉protected displayLinks(string $group, string $template): string Does the actual work of displaying the view file. Used internally by links(),...
* Does the actual work of displaying the view file. Used internally
* by links(), simpleLinks(), and makeLinks().
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:121
⧉protected ensureGroup(string $group, ?int $perPage = null): void Ensures that an array exists for the group specified.
* Ensures that an array exists for the group specified.
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:396
⧉protected calculateCurrentPage(string $group): void Calculating the current page
* Calculating the current page
* @return void
Defined in .../Pager/Pager.php:424
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (226) "RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B1 - pod górnymi newsami + wiadom...
RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B1 - pod górnymi newsami + wiadomości (w tym poszczególne newsy) - pod Nowe na portalu + inwestycje pod Nowe na portalu + w Rzeszowie w danej atrakcji pod Wiadomości z Rzeszowa
18 stycznia 2025 r. w Galerii pod Ratuszem odbędzie się wernisaż wystawy zatytułowanej „Sztuka Wykluczonych”, na którą składają się prace artystów chorujących na schizofrenię. W otwarciu ekspozycji wezmą udział sami artyści oraz członkowie Fundacji Artsider – organizatora wystawy.
PODKARPACIE. Karpatka wydrążyła już ponad 400 metrów tunelu na odcinku drogi ekspresowej S19 Rzeszów Południe – Babica. Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad opublikowała filmik z wnętrza powstającej budowli.
Po 30 latach od premiery, na ekrany kin wraca kultowy film “Nienawiść” Mathieu Kassovitza w odrestaurowanej kopii 4K. Obraz będzie można obejrzeć w trzech rzeszowskich kinach.
RZESZÓW. We wtorek, 21 stycznia o godz. 18:00 w Filharmonii Podkarpackiej odbędzie się gala z okazji 671-lecia Lokacji Miasta Rzeszowa. Jak zapowiadają organizatorzy, podczas wydarzenia wykorzystana zostanie sztuczna inteligencja. Uroczystość będzie transmitowana w internecie.
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (229) "ADSENSE 2944434599 - Na stronie głównej, w po prawej stronie, pod ankietą + ...
ADSENSE 2944434599 - Na stronie głównej, w po prawej stronie, pod ankietą + w każdym newsie w dziale Wiadomości, w dziale Newsów Na Smakach, w dziale newsów z Rozrywki po prawej stronie, pod sekcją Dzieje się w Rzeszowie
7 stycznia 2025 odbyło się uroczyste otwarcie stacjonarnego punktu Viking Point w stolicy Podkarpacia. Lokal znajduje się przy ul. Podwisłocze, na parterze jednego z budynków Capital Towers.
PODKARPACIE. Karpatka wydrążyła już ponad 400 metrów tunelu na odcinku drogi ekspresowej S19 Rzeszów Południe – Babica. Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad opublikowała filmik z wnętrza powstającej budowli.
18 stycznia 2025 r. w Galerii pod Ratuszem odbędzie się wernisaż wystawy zatytułowanej „Sztuka Wykluczonych”, na którą składają się prace artystów chorujących na schizofrenię. W otwarciu ekspozycji wezmą udział sami artyści oraz członkowie Fundacji Artsider – organizatora wystawy.
⇄⧉name => UTF-8 string (158) "RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B2 - pod kalendarzem imprez w sek...
RESINET - strona główna - sidebar - strefa B2 - pod kalendarzem imprez w sekcji Rozrywka i Kultura + Wiadomości i news w sidebarze pod Najchętniej czytane
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